
Friday, July 17, 2015

Piercing The Heart

Hello friends!

I pray this post finds you well and that you are excited about what The Lord is doing in your life.

Let's get to it friends!

So, a couple weeks ago the Lord gave me another vision that I have been waiting to share and I figured that now would be a good time to do it. I am still trying to piece this one together myself, so go along on this journey with me and we will figure it out together.

The vision started as just a heart in a dark room, nothing was around it. It literally looked just like a heart that you would draw on a piece of paper but in the vision it was 3D. It looked real and it was beating. I felt as though I could almost touch it from how real it appeared.

At first I thought that this would be all the Lord was going to show me, but there was more.

After the heart was by itself for a minute, an arrow came out of the dark and pierced the heart and went right through it and out the other side of the heart. I was so confused as to what this could mean or what God was trying to say about that. I had so many questions. Why this image, what do I need to hear from it? Then he added more onto the vision; after the arrow had went through the heart a dark figure came out of the shadows and the arrow hit the figure and pinned it against the wall. The figure was squirming and trying with all its might to get away from the arrow and get to the heart,  but it couldn't. The arrow had the figure pinned to the wall, the figure was trapped and defeated.

Can you see now what everything in the vision was? Here, I will explain because it took me a minute to understand.

The heart is obviously our heart. Yours and mine. The arrow is the word of the Lord and the shadow figure (to me at least) represented the devil.

Our heart is something that has to be so guarded and looked after, but the battle is not on our own, the battle for our heart is being fought by the king of kings. The arrow is the word of God. We must allow the word of God to penetrate our hearts, the word of the Lord is what we use to fight the enemy. The word of the Lord is what the enemy cannot overcome because the word of God is truth and it brings power with it.

The enemy has a hold on this world, yes, but we as believers can easily take control with the word of God, because while Satan does have a hand on earth, we have been given power through Jesus Christ to pin satan against a wall.

The verse Hebrews 4:12 came to my mind and it says, "God means what he says. What he says goes. His powerful Word is sharp as a surgeon’s scalpel, cutting through everything, whether doubt or defense, laying us open to listen and obey. Nothing and no one is impervious to God’s Word. We can’t get away from it—no matter what." The word of God can cut through the deepest parts of our heart, the parts that no one sees. It cuts through and corrects the parts of our lives that no one else knows about, only the word can convict us and point out our flaws. Did you know that God speaks through his word? Have you been through a time where you just cant seem to get an answer from God? I know I have and I had to learn to go to his word and read the truth to get the answer that I needed.

His word says that men will dream dreams and see visions from the Lord. That is where I seem to be learning most about the Lord is through the visions he gives me, but those visions are just reinforcements to what he has already written in his word.

So, to wrap it up here. You need the word of God in your life. You need to let the word of God into your heart. Let his word penetrate your heart and find those areas that are keeping you from everything he has. Once you let the word penetrate your heart, then you can use that word to pin the enemy against a wall. You notice in the vision, the arrow had to go through the heart before it pinned the enemy against the wall. The truth is, we have the keys to the defeating the enemy, we have the keys to the kingdom, which is the word of God.

Our key to defeating the enemy is the word of God. I encourage you to spend time in his word and to let it into your heart, after that happens you will gain more tools for overcoming the enemy and the situations that you face each day.

Be encouraged and renewed family!



Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Fatherly Love

Hello again friends!

I pray that today is treating you well. I am excited to be making another post on here! The Lord has been doing some pretty cool things and I wanted to share just a little story with you about something he revealed to me.

Last night during a worship time I was a part of the Lord gave me a vision or an image you could say.

So here it goes...

Do you remember that time when we were kids and we would run on the sidewalk and jump over the cracks so we didn't "break our mother's back?" I certainly remember those times. The image last night was of a young child walking with their father jumping over the cracks in the sidewalk. The Father had a tight grip on the child's hand and was actually helping the child jump over the cracks as they walked along the sidewalk together. Do you see the image in your head? Close your eyes and picture that image just like I described it.

After the Lord gave me this image I was so confused as to what it could mean, but then he showed me what he meant.. But first, here's a question... Do you treat the Lord like he is your father? Like an actual father? Think about that for a moment.

The Lord was showing me that HE is the Father and WE are the children. Put yourself in the small child's shoes. The biggest problem you faced that day was making sure that you did not step on a crack, but I am here to tell you that the "cracks" in my vision represent the problems each of us face every single day. We all have things that get in our way and that seem impossible to overcome, but by the blood of the lamb, we shall overcome. By the help of our father we can overcome the struggles that we face.

In this image God was the father holding our hand as his children. He was lifting us up over the "cracks" of life. On some of the cracks we help get over them, but on some he just carries us by his grace and mercy over them.

Jesus does not desire for you to be overcome by the cracks of life, he desires to grab your hand and pull you over them with HIS strength when you feel like you have none. All we have to do is reach our hand out to our father and take hold of HIS strength.

There is one more thing I got from this image... The thought I had was that we need to go back to having a childlike faith. We need to go back to the time where we must rely on our father to help get us through life. When we were children we would run to our parents when we were sad and we would celebrate with them when we are happy. The same goes with God. He CHEERS when we overcome problems. God is your biggest cheerleader and your coach at the same time! Just like our parents were (and are)! We must go back to the time when every decision we made relied on the help of our parents.

We must be conscious of every decision and ask the Lord's opinion on it. He is ALWAYS there to help us jump over the cracks of life.

Oh yeah, and don't forget to have fun while you overcome! Life is a fun journey, don't forget that!!


Thursday, July 2, 2015

Encountering The King

Well hello all!

I am so excited to be starting this blog and to be sharing what God is doing in my life and in the lives of those around me. I recently have felt prompted to share my heart and what The Lord is doing in me and through me, so I am starting this blog for that very reason. Find out more in the "About Me" section.

Here we go!

Did you know that the Lord desires to have a encounter with you? How cool is that?? The King of Kings and the Lord of Lords desires to have a REAL encounter with you and me! He desires to show you things that you could have never imagined... Literally. I can speak from experience. He desires to show you things that could make your heart skip 1000 beats. What we see in front of us physically is only just a glimpse of what is actually happening around us. A sermon I was listening to once said something that has stuck with me and here it is... "The people we see on Earth who are other believers are like little pieces of heaven walking around on Earth." Just take a minute and think about that. The person who sits next to you at church, the person next to you on the bus, they are all little pieces of heaven. To me that has opened up a complete new thought in my mind. We have "Divine Encounters" with God, but can I also reveal to you that we have "Divine Encounters" with other people? We do! It's true. God places people in our path at the right place and the right time and those are "Divine Encounters." Have you ever had someone come up to you and say exactly what you needed to hear? Have you ever had someone pray over you and they knew exactly what to say even without you saying anything. I believe those are "Divine Encounters" from the Lord. It has caused me to never take a moment of time with someone for granted. After all, you never know who needs a "divine encounter." The Lord may be using you for one!

I named this blog "Divine Encounters" because I feel like the most important thing we can do in life is to encounter God and his people in new and exciting ways. I don't want to have planned times with God, where I give him only so much time and then put him aside till the next time. While I do think those are good, I want my God to reveal himself to me in new ways, like in visions, in dreams, and through other people. I want to learn and grow with God in new ways. I never want to be complacent in the ways I encounter him. Encounter means: "to come upon or meet with; especially unexpectedly." I don't want to put Jesus in a box and say that he can only have certain times or places, I want real encounters and surprises around every corner. I want him to reveal things in the times when I least expect it. If I try and plan it myself, its never as good as when HE decides I am ready for it. Lord, reveal to me your heart in the times when You are ready, not when I plan for you to be.

An encounter with the Lord can be as simple as Him showing you something you did not know beforehand. An encounter with the Lord can also be as amazing as you praying over someone and seeing physical healing come to their bodies in that moment. I have been in rooms where people's legs have grown out, headaches dissipated after years of pain, blind eyes were opened, and depression was broken.

God desires for those things to be SO apparent on Earth. He is not a God who is holding back from us, he is waiting on us to CHASE after him. Not just a casual walk, but a full on sprint. He desires to have "Divine Encounters" with you and to show you glimpses of what heaven is like. He desires to heal, to mend relationships, to patch up broken hearts and make them new, to bring joy to depressed areas, and SO MUCH MORE.

Each of these things begins with a "Divine Encounter" with our King.

Do you desire to have real encounters with God? Me too!

So let's get started!!
