
Friday, July 17, 2015

Piercing The Heart

Hello friends!

I pray this post finds you well and that you are excited about what The Lord is doing in your life.

Let's get to it friends!

So, a couple weeks ago the Lord gave me another vision that I have been waiting to share and I figured that now would be a good time to do it. I am still trying to piece this one together myself, so go along on this journey with me and we will figure it out together.

The vision started as just a heart in a dark room, nothing was around it. It literally looked just like a heart that you would draw on a piece of paper but in the vision it was 3D. It looked real and it was beating. I felt as though I could almost touch it from how real it appeared.

At first I thought that this would be all the Lord was going to show me, but there was more.

After the heart was by itself for a minute, an arrow came out of the dark and pierced the heart and went right through it and out the other side of the heart. I was so confused as to what this could mean or what God was trying to say about that. I had so many questions. Why this image, what do I need to hear from it? Then he added more onto the vision; after the arrow had went through the heart a dark figure came out of the shadows and the arrow hit the figure and pinned it against the wall. The figure was squirming and trying with all its might to get away from the arrow and get to the heart,  but it couldn't. The arrow had the figure pinned to the wall, the figure was trapped and defeated.

Can you see now what everything in the vision was? Here, I will explain because it took me a minute to understand.

The heart is obviously our heart. Yours and mine. The arrow is the word of the Lord and the shadow figure (to me at least) represented the devil.

Our heart is something that has to be so guarded and looked after, but the battle is not on our own, the battle for our heart is being fought by the king of kings. The arrow is the word of God. We must allow the word of God to penetrate our hearts, the word of the Lord is what we use to fight the enemy. The word of the Lord is what the enemy cannot overcome because the word of God is truth and it brings power with it.

The enemy has a hold on this world, yes, but we as believers can easily take control with the word of God, because while Satan does have a hand on earth, we have been given power through Jesus Christ to pin satan against a wall.

The verse Hebrews 4:12 came to my mind and it says, "God means what he says. What he says goes. His powerful Word is sharp as a surgeon’s scalpel, cutting through everything, whether doubt or defense, laying us open to listen and obey. Nothing and no one is impervious to God’s Word. We can’t get away from it—no matter what." The word of God can cut through the deepest parts of our heart, the parts that no one sees. It cuts through and corrects the parts of our lives that no one else knows about, only the word can convict us and point out our flaws. Did you know that God speaks through his word? Have you been through a time where you just cant seem to get an answer from God? I know I have and I had to learn to go to his word and read the truth to get the answer that I needed.

His word says that men will dream dreams and see visions from the Lord. That is where I seem to be learning most about the Lord is through the visions he gives me, but those visions are just reinforcements to what he has already written in his word.

So, to wrap it up here. You need the word of God in your life. You need to let the word of God into your heart. Let his word penetrate your heart and find those areas that are keeping you from everything he has. Once you let the word penetrate your heart, then you can use that word to pin the enemy against a wall. You notice in the vision, the arrow had to go through the heart before it pinned the enemy against the wall. The truth is, we have the keys to the defeating the enemy, we have the keys to the kingdom, which is the word of God.

Our key to defeating the enemy is the word of God. I encourage you to spend time in his word and to let it into your heart, after that happens you will gain more tools for overcoming the enemy and the situations that you face each day.

Be encouraged and renewed family!



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