
Sunday, September 6, 2015

Remaining Faithful // Exciting News!

Hi friends!

I hope this blog post finds you well. I pray that God is moving in your heart and in your life and that you are noticing growth. We never want to remain stagnant in our faith. There is no bottom of the barrel with God, there is no limit with what He can do in and through you. I pray that thought grows deeper and deeper within you, that God always has more!

I am SO excited about this blog post today. You may have been noticing that I have not been posting as much, well I am here to tell you why... I have been super busy with life in general lately. School has started so I have been trying to get my bearings with that, but that is not the main reason. Most of you know that I work at World Outreach Church in Mufreesboro, TN. I love it with all my heart. It is a place where God is moving and breathing and transforming lives. I am honored to get to be a part of the ministry there, but recently my role has changed...

Those of you that know me know that I have been working with Pastor Tim Posch and Caleb West helping run the Student Ministries department. I loved working for them and working in SM! The lives of students are being strengthened like never before. Students are beginning to realize who they are in Christ and who Christ has called them to be. They are beginning to form their own faith and make it unique to who they are in the season they are in, not to mention they have a lot of fun doing it! It has been a blessing to me to get to be a part of the ministry that has been taking place in that area of the church, but now it is time for me to move on and run my own ministry! I am excited to announce that I have officially taken over the Children's Ministry Worship Teams at World Outreach Church.

Those of you that know me know how exciting this is for me. Over the past few weeks I have began to take control of the team and now I can officially announce that I have the honor of leading the team. Those of you who know me and have seen me grow up, have seen me go through so much transition and most of that happened on or because of this worship team. It has held a special place in my heart for almost 10 years now. I started on the team as a young 6th grader who was not sure about Jesus or worship, but Lori Nellist saw something in me that sparked her to put me up there on the team. You know, God works is very funny ways. At that time in my life, I was a quiet and shy kid who did not want any attention to be on him, my how that has changed! haha. God knew the plans that he had for me though and I was lucky enough to be able to hear His voice at the time and understand that even though it made me uncomfortable, that it was what I needed to do. So, I jumped off the cliff of worry and said yes to the plans that God had.

Never in a million years would I think that I, the quiet and shy young boy who didn't know who he was in Christ and didn't know his worth in Christ, would have led worship for thousands of kids and traveled to other states to lead kids in His presence. If you would have told me that 10 years ago I would have passed out and jumped ship, but God knew what He was doing.

As I grew and matured, I began to recognize my calling and what The Lord was doing in my life. I began to see the things He had in store and began to recognize my worth as a child of the ultimate Father. Around my junior year in High School I knew that God had called me to be a worship leader.

So, what to do with that knowledge now... You ever have a time where you know God has told you something and you want it to happen right then and there? Well.. That was my dilemma. I had my calling and I just wanted so bad for it to take off and go! BOOM. That did not happen though... But I remained faithful. God opened door after door to me because I remained faithful. If you are going through a spot where you feel like God is not responding or you are not getting your next step, do not worry... Remain faithful where you are and God will open doors for you.

So, I remained faithful to Him and he opened a door. If I would have tried to jump in the door when I wanted too, then everything would have been all wrong. I was not mature enough, I did not have enough wisdom, it just was not the right time. God knew what He was doing. You may be going through a time where you feel like you are ready and you feel like it is your right time, but do not force it. Forcing things to happen in the kingdom of God means that you are out of alignment with God. God is never late and is never early, He is always right on time. See, I struggled with this for awhile though... I did not see the big picture. I saw what I wanted to see right then and there, not what God wanted me to see. God wanted me to see that He was grooming me for such a time as this. He was training me subconsciously without me even knowing, so that I could do the job I am doing today. He was always preparing me for the calling. He never stopped preparing me for the calling. God is preparing you for your calling. Even if you are a little older (I am not saying numbers, because I think you are as young as you feel), but even if you are older God is not done with you. Ask Him what your next step is. You may think you have accomplished all that you are going to accomplish with God, but I promise that there is always more!

So friends, I am ECSTATIC to see what God does in this season ahead on the Children's Ministry Worship team. I believe an outpouring of the spirit more than we have ever seen is on the horizon. I am ready, the team is ready, and the kids we lead are ready. This season is going to be a fun one! God has amazing things in store! I am honored and blessed to get to be a part!

With joy, excitement, and love,


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