
Friday, January 1, 2016



That is one of the only words I can muster up for how 2015 was. It started with a trip to Redding, California to see the Happy Hales and go to Bethel Church. That trip in itself was the beginning of one of the greatest years I have ever had. The year ended with me being surrounded by some of my closest friends, worshipping Jesus, laughing till we cried, and celebrating the promises and faithfulness of God.

Throughout the year I had many highs and many low, like we all do, but one thing never changed. This one thing remained with me each step of the way, that one thing is the faithfulness of Jesus. No matter what I was facing at any certain day God had ordained my steps and knew the path I was walking. Yes, there were days I cried and there days I laughed, but no matter what my emotions were feeling, God never changed. He stayed the same. Faithful and true. Fulfilling promise and after promise that he marked out for me many years ago.

The highlight of my year, as most of you know, was getting the honor of being able to serve the Children's Ministry Worship Team and kids of World Outreach Church. A promise God had laid out for me before the foundations of the earth. Before the waters covered the ground, before life flourished on this very planet, God had ordained this year and the many ups and downs, just for me. He ordained it for you too. Before anything, He was. He was planning. He was articulating. He was marking out a plan just for you. Picture your life as a map and God has a blank canvas to write on and He is eager. He opens the canvas and furiously begins writing plans and ideas that He has for you. The great thing about this is that your plan is unique. Your plan is one of a kind. There is no one in the entire world with a plan like yours. Your trials and your victories are unique. Your steps go in different directions than anyone else's and that was all ordained by God. I picture God furiously writing at this canvas with pure joy in His eyes and an eager smile on His face. He is excited to make your plan. He is excited to see you walk each step.

Did you know that The Lord sings over you? (Zephaniah 3:17) You wake up in the morning and he is excited to watch you take your steps for the day. He walks eagerly with you and loves to watch you succeed and jump for joy when you get a victory, and He is always the first one there beside you when things don't go the best. He is the first shoulder to cry on.

His faithfulness never changed through this year and it never will.

I learned something this year that has pushed me more than most anything in my life. For most of my life, my purpose has always been about me. What could I do to better myself. What could I do to be the best I could be. These things are not bad necessarily, but I was missing an important piece to the puzzle in my walk with the Lord. Others.

I always had a heart for God's people, especially young people. For some reason Jesus gave me a huge heart to want to see them succeed, but I still had the selfish piece in the back of my mind of "well what is this doing for me?" It was a sad place to be. Constantly trying to prove myself and live up to standards that I couldn't always live up too was a hard thing. In this past year though, my thoughts switched from what could I do for myself, to how can I better others. Starting my own ministry at the church began to show me what it means to truly love others. I always knew that I was supposed to love others, but I never really knew how. This past year Jesus began teaching me how.

All of the sudden I was not worried about myself and what I was getting, but instead I was focused on what others were getting and what I was giving. It was a major shift for me in my heart. I enjoyed giving and helping others more than I enjoyed getting from them. Jesus began to teach me how loving others is just like loving Him. I needed to give others my time, my energy, my love and all the while Jesus was telling me that this is what it should feel like to love Him. Mind blowing. I always knew, as a believer, that you were supposed to give your time and attention to Jesus, but I didn't fully understand it until my heart flipped in the physical realm. When my heart flipped in the physical realm, it flipped in the spiritual realm.

So, that is just a taste of something God taught me this past year. It's not about me, it's about His kingdom and His people.

This year the Lord has put the word "Significance" on my heart. I believe the Lord wants to do something significant in my life and in my ministry, but I also believe this word was given for those around me as well. Just as much as he wants to do something significant in my life, He also wants to do something in yours.

2016 needs to be a year of significance. This does not need to be a year that just leisurely passes by, no, this must be a year where we chase after the things of God. Where we let His love overtake us and where we love Him unconditionally.

God has great and mighty things in store this year for you. Open up your heart and let Him in. Let Him do something in you this year that is unlike anything you have seen or experienced. Jesus desires to fulfill His promises in you. He desires good things for your life. He loves you more than you know or could imagine.

Here's to 2016. A year when God does something better than you and I could have ever asked for or imagined.

I can't wait!!

Love you all.

PS- Enjoy some of my favorite pics from this year :)

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