
Thursday, July 2, 2015

Encountering The King

Well hello all!

I am so excited to be starting this blog and to be sharing what God is doing in my life and in the lives of those around me. I recently have felt prompted to share my heart and what The Lord is doing in me and through me, so I am starting this blog for that very reason. Find out more in the "About Me" section.

Here we go!

Did you know that the Lord desires to have a encounter with you? How cool is that?? The King of Kings and the Lord of Lords desires to have a REAL encounter with you and me! He desires to show you things that you could have never imagined... Literally. I can speak from experience. He desires to show you things that could make your heart skip 1000 beats. What we see in front of us physically is only just a glimpse of what is actually happening around us. A sermon I was listening to once said something that has stuck with me and here it is... "The people we see on Earth who are other believers are like little pieces of heaven walking around on Earth." Just take a minute and think about that. The person who sits next to you at church, the person next to you on the bus, they are all little pieces of heaven. To me that has opened up a complete new thought in my mind. We have "Divine Encounters" with God, but can I also reveal to you that we have "Divine Encounters" with other people? We do! It's true. God places people in our path at the right place and the right time and those are "Divine Encounters." Have you ever had someone come up to you and say exactly what you needed to hear? Have you ever had someone pray over you and they knew exactly what to say even without you saying anything. I believe those are "Divine Encounters" from the Lord. It has caused me to never take a moment of time with someone for granted. After all, you never know who needs a "divine encounter." The Lord may be using you for one!

I named this blog "Divine Encounters" because I feel like the most important thing we can do in life is to encounter God and his people in new and exciting ways. I don't want to have planned times with God, where I give him only so much time and then put him aside till the next time. While I do think those are good, I want my God to reveal himself to me in new ways, like in visions, in dreams, and through other people. I want to learn and grow with God in new ways. I never want to be complacent in the ways I encounter him. Encounter means: "to come upon or meet with; especially unexpectedly." I don't want to put Jesus in a box and say that he can only have certain times or places, I want real encounters and surprises around every corner. I want him to reveal things in the times when I least expect it. If I try and plan it myself, its never as good as when HE decides I am ready for it. Lord, reveal to me your heart in the times when You are ready, not when I plan for you to be.

An encounter with the Lord can be as simple as Him showing you something you did not know beforehand. An encounter with the Lord can also be as amazing as you praying over someone and seeing physical healing come to their bodies in that moment. I have been in rooms where people's legs have grown out, headaches dissipated after years of pain, blind eyes were opened, and depression was broken.

God desires for those things to be SO apparent on Earth. He is not a God who is holding back from us, he is waiting on us to CHASE after him. Not just a casual walk, but a full on sprint. He desires to have "Divine Encounters" with you and to show you glimpses of what heaven is like. He desires to heal, to mend relationships, to patch up broken hearts and make them new, to bring joy to depressed areas, and SO MUCH MORE.

Each of these things begins with a "Divine Encounter" with our King.

Do you desire to have real encounters with God? Me too!

So let's get started!!


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