
Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Fatherly Love

Hello again friends!

I pray that today is treating you well. I am excited to be making another post on here! The Lord has been doing some pretty cool things and I wanted to share just a little story with you about something he revealed to me.

Last night during a worship time I was a part of the Lord gave me a vision or an image you could say.

So here it goes...

Do you remember that time when we were kids and we would run on the sidewalk and jump over the cracks so we didn't "break our mother's back?" I certainly remember those times. The image last night was of a young child walking with their father jumping over the cracks in the sidewalk. The Father had a tight grip on the child's hand and was actually helping the child jump over the cracks as they walked along the sidewalk together. Do you see the image in your head? Close your eyes and picture that image just like I described it.

After the Lord gave me this image I was so confused as to what it could mean, but then he showed me what he meant.. But first, here's a question... Do you treat the Lord like he is your father? Like an actual father? Think about that for a moment.

The Lord was showing me that HE is the Father and WE are the children. Put yourself in the small child's shoes. The biggest problem you faced that day was making sure that you did not step on a crack, but I am here to tell you that the "cracks" in my vision represent the problems each of us face every single day. We all have things that get in our way and that seem impossible to overcome, but by the blood of the lamb, we shall overcome. By the help of our father we can overcome the struggles that we face.

In this image God was the father holding our hand as his children. He was lifting us up over the "cracks" of life. On some of the cracks we help get over them, but on some he just carries us by his grace and mercy over them.

Jesus does not desire for you to be overcome by the cracks of life, he desires to grab your hand and pull you over them with HIS strength when you feel like you have none. All we have to do is reach our hand out to our father and take hold of HIS strength.

There is one more thing I got from this image... The thought I had was that we need to go back to having a childlike faith. We need to go back to the time where we must rely on our father to help get us through life. When we were children we would run to our parents when we were sad and we would celebrate with them when we are happy. The same goes with God. He CHEERS when we overcome problems. God is your biggest cheerleader and your coach at the same time! Just like our parents were (and are)! We must go back to the time when every decision we made relied on the help of our parents.

We must be conscious of every decision and ask the Lord's opinion on it. He is ALWAYS there to help us jump over the cracks of life.

Oh yeah, and don't forget to have fun while you overcome! Life is a fun journey, don't forget that!!


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